Love, love and go.

We want our warm smiles, helping hands, and open hearts to paint a clear picture of Jesus' love in action. Inspired by our example, we hope others are empowered to join the movement, spreading kindness and compassion like ripples in a pond.

Love God

(Mark 12:30)

Serving the kingdom of God is a journey, not a destination. It's a continuous process of growing in faith, love, and service, making a conscious effort to align your life with your values, and using your gifts to make the world a better place.

Love All People

(John 13:34)

Imagine Jesus walking into our church today. Instead of seeking attention, wouldn't his first words be, "How can I serve?" Let's remember his call to "love and serve one another." It's in this spirit that we truly follow in his footsteps.


(Matthew 28:19–20)

Driven by compassion, we act "outward," dedicating ourselves to uplifting the forgotten and marginalized in our community on a regular basis. We routinely work alongside...

Here at Remnant Church, our message and mission is simply to help connect people to the life giving message of Jesus and empower them to share that love in their corner of the world.

What we believe about...


We find deep meaning in the existence of one, all-powerful God, the Father, who created everything from the vastness of space to the depths of our hearts. He is the first person in the Holy Trinity, the source of all love and creation.


We believe in Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, who walked among us as both God and man. Born miraculously, he lived a perfect life, offered himself as a sacrifice for our sins, and conquered death through his resurrection. Now with God, he will return in power and glory.

Holy Spirit

We embrace the Holy Spirit - the third person of the trinity - as a guiding light and friend residing within, who strengthens our faith and inspires us to live a life devoted to God's purpose.

The Church

As individuals touched by the Holy Spirit, we become living parts of the Church, a vibrant organism carrying on Jesus’s work. We are bound by a shared love for Christ, forming a spiritual family that transcends differences.

The Lord's Supper

A unique time of communion in the presence of God with other believers, when the elements of bread and wine (symbolizing the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ) are taken together in celebration of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross for our sins


We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ; His death, burial, and resurrection. Salvation is a gift from God, not a result of our good works or of any human efforts

Want to know more about
our beliefs?